Project born in 2017 that seeks for the interpretation of being and the different stages of personal introspection.
Using the traditional technique for the creation of alebrijes, the masks incorporate symbolic and organic materials, which in synchrony represent the visions, dreams and several manifestations from the author, Ommar Layrisse.

R e c e n t
☿: Los Otros vol.2 (2023 )
NIBIRU:los tres iniciados
Hermetic installation (2022)
P a s t
Each collection is made up of three pieces that represent the three layers of human life: mind, body and spirit.
Through vibrant and bright colors, the shapes take inspiration from different indigenous cultures of the world, mystical and alchemical symbols as well as the magic of numerology.
N I B I R U: los tres iniciados
Nibiru means "crossing place" or "transition place". Nibiru, pretends to be a center of convergence between worlds, a portal that crosses through reflection and light. Gathering natural, plastic and symbolic elements; Ommlay seeks to share dreams, visions & possibilities.
m e d i a
Art installation (2022)
ANGEL STRIFE - Nativos Feat. Jenny Ball
Music video (2022)
Independent film (2021)
Artwork & promo (2020)
Art film (2020)
Collective Exposition (2019)
c o n t a c t
Write us to inform about rates and availability.
Escríbenos para informarte sobre precios y disponibilidad de obras, ya sea para colaboraciones y/ó exposiciones.
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